Available Services
Please note that prices shown are for guide only. We will give you an exact cost at your consultation. Pricing is based on breed, hair length and coat condition. Please be advised that a surcharge will apply if your dog is matted, has fleas or has not been groomed within the recommended grooming time for their breed.
All dogs require grooming of some kind to keep their skin and coat healthy. Just watch your dog run around after a bath or shower at home to see how happy it makes them.
Full Groom
A full groom is the perfect treatment for your pooch to look and feel amazing. This treatment includes, a full consultation, basic health check, two shampoos, full body massage, hand blow dry, pawdicure, ear clean, sanitary trim, clip, scissor and style, finishing off with paw conditioning balm and finishing spritz.
From £40
A soothing and cleansing blueberry facial treatment for your pooch. Helps to remove tear stains too! Add £5 to your groom for this service.
From £5
Ultrasound Teeth Cleaning
£40 initial charge then £25 thereafter when used in regular sessions with a groom.
Cleans teeth using Air Oscillation & Nano bubbles which help to loosen tartar and plaque buildup on teeth.
De-shedding Treatment
Specially designed for dogs that are prone to shedding as it can reduce shedding by up to 60-80% after the first treatment. Package includes, two shampoos, brush through, full body massage, high velocity blow out to remove even more dead hair, de-shedding session with specialist tool, pawdicure, ear clean, sanitary trim, paw conditioning balm and finishing spritz.
From £35
This treatment includes a nail trim, hair removal from between the pads and conditioning paw balm massaged into the pads.
From £10
Tick removal or ear pluck
£5 each
Wash, Brush & Tidy
This is the perfect way to maintain your dogs coat, keep them matt free and smelling great in between their full groom. If you struggle to brush your dog daily then this treatment is a great solution. Offering all of the above excluding full body massage, clip, scissor and style.
From £30
Puppy Package
The earlier your puppy can experience a groom the more relaxed they will be with each visit. This treatment includes a puppy shampoo, gentle blow dry, ear clean, nail trim and a scissor trim to keep them tidy while they transition to their adult coa
From £30